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Vampirism Fire 5.09

Vampirism Fire 5.09

Характеристики карты Vampirism Fire

Категория: Tag (Tag Map)
Русский язык: Нет
Английский язык: Да
Поддержка компьютера: Нет
Игра: Командная
Игроков: 1-12
Web-сайт: fire.vampirism.eu
Добавлена: 13.05.2014
Просмотров: 3132

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Список изминений в Vampirism Fire 5.09 (ChangeLog)

*** Command Changes ***
* -kick command now usable by everyone and starts a votekick
* -setname and -reset removed
* *** Human Changes ***
* Human Survival Training (+400 HP) (URC) renamed Basic Human Survival Training
* Master Human Survival Training (+300HP) readded to Command Centre (requires Basic Human Survival Training)
* 2 gold income for humans with a solo vampire; gold income for 2+ stays as before
* Harvesting base carry amount dropped from 10 to 5.
* Harvesting upgrade time changed from 60 (+15) to 45 (+15). Insane lumber harvesting now doubles gathering speed
* Humans gain a grounded buff (60% magic resistance) whenever Chain of Death is cast on them.
* Grounded buff is also applied to humans in a 100-200 range of the target
* Engineers take 60% more time to repair
* Furbolgs can no longer build structures - they now also no longer blight trees (they can still repair)
* A Tower builder can now be built from the lumber house (limit of 3) - It costs 2k wood and no gold and can build structures previously built by the furbolg harvester (these cannot repair)
* Change the tech limit for Healing Vitality
* Tracker bounty set to 1 gold (was 0)
* Engineer bounty set to 10 gold (was 0)
* Fire Spawns now need 10 hits to get 4000 lumber (up from 8)
* Fire Spawns now cost 70 gold (up from 50)
* *** Item Changes ***
* Urn timer set to 11, recipe shop timer set to 15, remains to 25, demonic gate to 35 was (14,20,30,45)
* Reintroduced Wand of Shadowsight (10g, 30s hero duration; 2 min unit duration)
* Hearts removed; Slayers in a 400 AoE around the dying vampire get 4 levels on killing an ancient and 2 levels on killing a minion
* Gold coins changed from [+1] and [+3] gold to [+1] and [+2] gold
* Chance to drop for ancients changed from 1% for [+3] and 9% for [+1] to 1.5% + (1% per minion / no. of ancients) for [+2] and 9% + (6% per minion / no. of ancients) for [+1]
* Chance to drop for minions (when ancients are dead) changed from 1% for [+3] and 9% for [+1] to 1.5% for [+2] and 9% for [+1]
* Picking up coins now gives the slayer 1 level (was 0)
* *** Slayer Changes ***
* Fixed slayer master upg. to give the right amount of HP/mana
* Building protection now lasts 20 seconds (down from 25)
* Slayer time is now accurate to the nearest millisecond. Messages will now indicate whether pooling has taken place.
* *** Structure Changes ***
* Added lesser mana energy tower with no damage - costs 2k wood, has 800 range and a 50 mana feedback (upgradeable from shiny pearl)
* Frost tower's range fixed to 1200, (was 2000 range, 1200 acquisition)
* Super wall of health now has 20HP regen/s (up from 0)
* Change size of Surplus and research centres
* Goldmine armour reduced to 15 (from 20), Super goldmine to 30 (from 50), Ultra goldmine to 45 (from 50), Elite goldmine armour increased to 60 (from 50)
* Diamond wall base health changed to 150k (down from 175k) armour to 150 (down from 160)
* Onyx wall regen changed to 200hps (down from 500hps) armour to 300 (down from 450)
* LO and ULO attack speed slowed down by x5. Damage increased by x5 to match
* *** Vampire Changes ***
* Wood income for vampires increased to 1.5k*income (from 1k*income) at income timer
* AoE damage on frost wyrm nova changed to match single target damage: 15k (up from 500)
* AoE radius on frost wyrm nova changed to 200 (was 250)
* Killing ancient vamps now gives a bounty of 3, down from 5
* Killing mini vamps now give no bounty, down from 3
* Urn income for all vampires changed to 25*income gold, 100*income lumber (was 25*income gold, 50*income lumber)
* Urn income for solo vampires changed to 35*income gold, 140*income lumber (was 25*income gold, 50*income lumber)
* Minions no longer drop coins except when there are no ancients
* Minions now start off with 10 gold for every minute elapsed (was 0)
* Vampire Trap can no longer be cast in the slayer pool
* Vampires can no longer be cycloned
* *** Misc Changes ***
* Changed gold timer to 12 mins
* Tweaked many model sizes and ground textures
* *** Tooltips and Hotkeys ***
* Repair no longer states that it costs resources
* Build time of super wall of health is 5s previously stated 20s)
* Mana energy tower damage now states 150dmg + 100 from feedback (was 100dmg)
* Orange calcite outpost says that it got 800 range but it got 700
* Gather tooltip now correct (Lumber is harvested, not gold)
* Emerald wall build time corrected (from 25 to 30)
* Diamond wall build time corrected (from 25 to 70)
* Onyx wall build time corrected (from 25 to 100)
* Slayer's vault updated to inform the player of gold coins (was dropped items)
* Tips now refer to the Veil of Darkness correctly
* Vampiric Concoction correctly states a duration of 15s (was 10s)
* Added stun to burst gem tooltip
* Fixed incorrect information on meat carrier tooltip
* Fixed Lol hotkey
* Super Wall of Health hotkey changed to F (was W)
* Super Wall Tower hotkey changed to D (was W, A)
* *** Backend Changes ***
* Changed functionality of several triggers
* *** Terrain Changes ***
* Changing some areas to make them look less square
* Base 17 has been redone
* The terrain around bases 21, 22, 23 and 24 has been warped
* An earthquake has hit the top left corner and the dance pool has flooded out
* Added some assasin blink spots, see if you can find them
* Assassin blink spots made more visible.
* Teleport bases are completely blockable
* *** Bug Fixes ***
* Black buildings will no longer occur
* Shade teleport bug: Rod of teleportation can no longer be used to teleport to units within a 150 radius of a human building
* ULO desync (possibly due to high damage & attack speed)
* Meat Carrier mechanics reworked
* Dead players no longer receive the 15 minute incomes
* Canceled Surplus explodes correctly
* Sphere now only gives stats when in a Vampire or RC's inventory
* Only slayers level up from coins now
* Teleport to unit if click next to unit
* Mini should now start with gold
* Master HP now applied to all humans
* Votekick not working
* No bounties
* Chain not working
* Lesser Mana Energy Tower feedback stated 100 mana burnt instead of 50 (actual value)
* On income timer, elapsed time is correctly stated (was always 12)
* Killing own workers no longer gives bounty
* Lesser Mana Energy Tower was doing damage on mana burn (Dropped from 60 to 0)
* If someone is kicked by -kick 'color' next person can be kicked with one vote.

Скачать Vampirism Fire 5.09 скачать Vampirism Fire 5.09

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