Pudge Wars
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Pudge Wars
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Список изминений в Pudge Wars 2.03c (ChangeLog)
Gameplay *Added a new powerup: Spectre’s Dagger Allows you to Meat Hook through allies, land mines and barricades for 30 seconds *Added a new powerup: Berserker’s Blood Same concept as the passive on Sacred Warrior (Huskar) from DotA. For every 5% health missing, Pudge gains 5% damage and speed. The first bonus starts at full health. This buff lasts for 30 seconds.
Pudge: *HP per strength point reduced from 50 to 25 *Strength per level reduced from 5.0 to 2.5 *Increase Strength cannot be bought if you have more than 125 already
Split (Azwraith’s Lance): *Pudge now has the same life when exiting Split formation *Split visual slightly modified; the real Pudge is transparent and tinted black
Techies’ Explosive Barrel: *Improved mine damage from (300, 350, 400, 450, 500) to (400, 462.5, 525, 587.5, 650) *Improved thrown mines’ damage from (500, 575, 650, 725, 800) to (625, 737.5, 850, 912.5, 1025)
Blink (Grapple Hook): *Blink cast range reduced from 900 to 650 *Blink now escapes hooks
*Initial position now randomized *Improved fountain regeneration rate from 7.5hp per second to 1% (of max HP) per second *Ward cast range reduced from 500 to 200 *Ward charges from 3 to 2
*Floating text is no longer shown if you can’t see the unit *Changed flame model so it is easier to attack manually *Changed hotkeys of Upgrades shop *Command –unstuck now moves camera instantly
*Added new game mode: timed mode (-tmxxx) Timed mode will set the game to last xxx minutes. The team that has the most kills at the end of this time will be the winners. Example usage: -tm030nt. This will make a 30 minute game with revive time of 5 seconds. In this way, a draw can occur. *Added a team-switch mechanism (like DotA’s) Usage: -switch x, this will initiate a switch request with a player on the other team. The value of x can be from 1 to 5 (even unused player slots). All players except one must then accept this request by typing –ok. *HostBot command now registered in a different style. Instead of “k1n” for –km100nt, the style is now: k1 for –km10, n25 for –km250nt, etc. The first string is ‘k’ or ‘n’. HCL supports only kills mode for now. The number after it will be the kills required x10. *Added command –camh to adjust camera distance *Added more hints *Changelog removed from quest menu due to space limitation
Bug Fixes
*Fixed a bug in which a powerup could be repeated twice *Fixed a bug with Rupture in which it would not end when you Doppelwalked a Level 5 Strygwyr Claws Meat Hook
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